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Zora Development Kit

The easiest way to work with NFT Data

Start Building


  • Flexible
    For those who want full flexibility, ZDK is the way to go, for those who want a quick and easy start, dive into Hooks.
  • Typed & Reliable
    ZDK comes with types generated from our GraphQL API schema making the toolchain fully type-safe.
  • Extensible
    Build marketplaces, wallets, dashboards. You can even use ZDK with APIs outside of the Zora ecosystem!
Easy and complete

Get started in just a few clicks. Zora’s API and ZDK have all the data you need to start building with NFTs.

Data Available:

  • Detailed minting information
  • Every sale from every marketplace
  • Every transfer and approval ever
  • Flexible enough to adapt to any token standard on any chain

ZDK is composed of two elements: ZDK and Hooks.

ZDK is a slim Typescript wrapper on top of Zora’s API. We take care of constructing GraphQL queries and you can focus on working with the data delivered to you.
NFT Hooks

For builders who want an even simpler experience, we’ve created NFT Hooks.

Hooks makes building on top of our API as simple as possible.
flexibility built in

ZDK gives you the essential tools to bootstrap your Marketplace, Wallet, or Dashboard.

In addition, Zora’s API has a generous threshold of 30 RPM, meaning you can get started building without needing an API key.

Great for:

  • Marketplaces
  • Wallets
  • Dashboards and Analytics
  • Tax Tooling
  • and much more...

ZDK is powered by the Zora GraphQL API

View the GraphQL Playground

More standards, chains and layers are coming soon


Like to learn more?

Explore documentation for a deeper understanding of all API features


Dive into Solidity

Our protocol is entirely open source. Check out our code and documentation on GitHub.
